Friday, September 19, 2008

I love Lilly

I love getting up early. I've always claimed I am a morning person, even if it takes a couple of snooze alarms to get me out of bed. Of course it has been quite easy to get up early now that nothing strenuous physically or mentally weighs on my eyelids from the night before. Particularly, I see the morning as an opportunity. Sort of a chance to change what I didn't like about the day before. Even though my mornings follow one after another in similar fashion, with a routine regularly playing out in which I take in a cup of coffee and the early sun, I can't help but feel like I am really getting at something, just waking up to slow down. A good way to start the day if I do say so myself. Plus, what's better than getting a "good morning" from a stranger? You don't get any "good mornings" after lunchtime, and let's be honest, "good afternoons" don't have the same zest or pizazz.

I've pretty much slowed down all across the day though, not just in the morning. That, or the day has slowed down around me, which is quite probable, considering that I've spent the last few days surfing. One day we got up early to go wine tasting. You know its gonna be a relaxing day when you are getting up early just to go taste different wines. The beach bum/surfer lifestyle has its kicks. It's quite therapeutic, just sitting on the board waiting for a wave to come. Bobbing up and down under the sun on a giant water bed. If I weren't terrified of accidentally floating out to sea, I'd of taken a nap right then and there. I can't imagine a daily activity being much healthier. I am just chock-full of vitamin D now, and if I know anything, I know I like being chock-full of vitamin D. It's a great workout too. Maybe my aunt would be forced to stop calling me 'toothpick', but I won't go overboard. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea though- I am not a real surfer (yet...), unless you count getting up for about three seconds and then being swallowed by the tail end of the wave. A rag doll is a more accurate description of me out there.

Surfers say surfing is like a symbol for personal freedom. I personally don't know what that means, but I'll go along with. I know I don't have any freedom out there. I just hold on for dear life- the ocean has my number for sure. It throws me around like the wind blows the feather around in the beginning and end of Forrest Gump (Chrissy, I am gonna start using Forrest Gump analogies as much as I can- good idea?).

So, we've been living pretty damn comfortably down here. We'll be leaving for San Diego in two days, and I'll probably just stick to the usual. I read, nap, and pet Lilly (the cat that owns the place I am staying at) and call it a pretty successful day. I don't know who is going to fill the empty void in my life left by the absence of Lilly the cat once we part.

I miss doing voices and impersonations with coworkers- the John Wayne voice especially. I do them in my head sometimes but it all sounds stupid. Not like when I do them out loud at all.

I was just kidding earlier about not being good at surfing. That's me to the left- catching some gnarly waves, yeah?


liv said...

chrissy doesn't like forrest gump, zach. i encourage you, though.

Stephanie said...

I love you Zach! I woke up early yesterday and the day was so new and lovely and pink. I only have it in me to get up early about once a month, though.

It sounds like you're having a super time. I'm proud of you.

Chrissy said...

Early mornings, Forrest Gump, and cats. I think you know how I feel about these things. Or at least, I thought you knew.